It’s changing of the guard time at Cascade Medical Foundation, with the election of a new slate of officers for 2025, the addition of some new members and a fond farewell to others.
Rich Adamson has been elected chair of the Cascade Medical Foundation Board.
Adamson is a familiar face, as a board member since 2021 and as chairman of the Cascade Golf Classic committee, the Foundation’s largest annual fundraising event. He is delegating some of his golf tournament duties this year, but is still actively involved in that event, set for June 16 at Kahler Mountain Resort.
Adamson and returning Vice Chair Wade Nash have been elected to 2-year terms in the executive leadership posts. Returning for one-year terms are Treasurer Strode Weaver, Secretary Dana Wilson and at-large member Bob Adamson. Kathi Nash has been elected to fill the second at-large board member post.
Meet Cascade Medical Foundation's
hard-working volunteer board members
The board also is welcoming two new members to replace three who are rotating off the board.
The new board members are:
- Rex Lund, a retired insurance executive, who has a home near Lake Wenatchee and spends part of the year in Arizona. An avid golfer, he already has been assigned to help with the Cascade Golf Classic, the foundation’s largest annual fundraising event.
- Karen Nodolf, a retired nurse and medical educator who lives near Eagle Creek also joins the team and already is helping with the Mark Judy Memorial Caregiver Education Fund Committee.
Their three-year terms start in January. The nonprofit’s bylaws allow members to serve two consecutive 3-year terms (6 years) before taking a required one-year hiatus.
The outgoing board members include Kathy and Ted Mongtomery, who completed six years of very active duty on the board which included organizing Benevolent Nights and wine donations; and Ann MacPherson, who completed five years of board service. She was the volunteer coordinator and was an at-large member of the executive committee this past year.
Other board members continuing their service into 2025 include: Vito Fedor, Julie French, Bob Jennings, Terri Judy, Carol Kasper, Bob Keller, Shannon Keller (who served as chair for the past 2 years), Rex McMillian, Randy Pollock and Aileen Yost.
The board currently stands at 18 members. Up to 21 members are allowed.
The Foundation’s mission is to help support Cascade Medical’s ability to deliver quality health care to the community. It organizes several large fundraising events including the Marson and Marson Cascade Golf Classic in June, the Jive Time in the Cascades big band concert that has been held in the fall and a series of popular Benevolent Night events, partnering with local restaurants.
The 2025 fundraising effort is an $80,000 “Clinic Bundle,” which includes a bladder scanner, a point-of-care ultrasound and other equipment for Cascade Medical’s Family Practice Clinic that will improve workflow and patient access. In 2024, the Foundation purchased a hematology (blood) analyzer for the lab, a vehicle for Cascade Medical’s new Mobile Integrated Health program, eight new life-saving automated external defibrillators (AEDs) and added to the Think Pink fund that pays for mammograms for uninsured women. It also introduced an education fund to provide training opportunities for Cascade Medical employees, an effort that is ongoing.
Since its founding in 1992, the Foundation has helped purchase $2 million worth of medical equipment and programming for Cascade Medical, which also has included a mobile health clinic, 3D mammography and ambulance safety equipment.