What is the Mark Judy Memorial Caregiver Education Fund?

See how to apply

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donation to the fund, 
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Or mail contributions to:

Cascade Medical Foundation 
817 Commercial St. 
Leavenworth, WA 98826

For information call 509-548-2523

New education fund kicks off in 2024

Cascade Medical staff now have an opportunity to expand their careers through an education fund created in memory of a former hospital administrator and volunteer Foundation board member.

The Mark Judy Memorial Caregiver Education Fund, honoring a life-long legacy of helping others, offers financial resources to Cascade Medical employees looking to further their education and improve job-related skills. The funds could cover everything from certification and training for a new program or service to ongoing education or coursework to embark on a new career path.

The fund is a way to grow the organization’s workforce and enhance critical caregiving skills which will enhance the quality of care delivered.

“This is such a great opportunity for staff to obtain education that will help them to reach their career goals,” said Rachel Avery, Cascade Medical’s director of quality. “Many staff want to have more education, but it is costly. I am so grateful to see this opportunity for them!”

Helping employees expand their skills and careers also benefits Cascade Medical and the community it serves.

“It means more opportunity to grow our workforce and, ultimately, ensure we have the right resources to provide the best care for our community over the long term,” Cascade Medical CEO Diane Blake said. “To be able to have a tool to help development be attainable for people who are already valued team members is very exciting. There’s big benefit to the organization to have a stable, rooted team for so many reasons.”

Establishing the education fund is a new direction for the Foundation that historically has focused its fundraising on capital projects to benefit Cascade Medical. Since it was founded in 1992 the Foundation has helped fund projects totaling more than $1.8 million, including lab and radiology equipment, a new ambulance and mobile health clinic.

Those efforts continue. The Foundation recently raised $87,000 for a new cardiac rehabilitation center and is currently working on funding a new hematology analyzer in the lab.

The education fund application period opens each January, with scholarships awarded in March.

“Incredible people make up the CM family and I am excited that the Foundation is finding a way to celebrate people’s unique talents and potential in this amazing way,” CEO Diane Blake said.


Some of the details

Cascade Medical Foundation established the Mark Judy Memorial Caregiver Education Fund in September 2023. Its purpose: to provide financial resources to help Cascade Medical employees expand their job-related skills, which could cover everything from ongoing education, certification and training for a specific new program or service and other coursework related to their role at Cascade.  

Interested employees will be invited to apply for funds during the application period at the beginning of each year. Applications will be reviewed by a committee of Cascade Medical staff and Foundation board members, with awards announced in the spring.

Here are some of the details:

  • Scholarship application period opens in January
  • Scholarships awarded in late March  
  • Eligibility requirements and criteria:
    • Minimum 1 year of employment at Cascade Medical
    • FTE status of .6 or above
    • Letter from employee's director submitted with application
    • Qualifying education could include, but is not limited to: 
      • conferences
      • college or coursework related to the employee's role at Cascade
      • CE/skill training
See how to apply

If you have questions, please stop by the Foundation office or send an email to [email protected].

Find out more about Mark Judy's legacy here.

Find out more about the creation of the fund here.