Cascade Medical Foundation raised more than $11,000 at this year’s Jive Time in the Cascades concert on Sept. 21.
The third annual fundraising concert, featuring the toe-tapping, swinging sounds of the Wenatchee Big Band, a 20-piece community-based jazz orchestra ensemble, was held for the first time at the Leavenworth Festhalle. Proceeds surpassed those of the past two years, thanks to the generosity of more than 50 businesses providing cash and in-kind sponsorships and the more than 70 people who attended the event.
“As Chair of the Cascade Medical Foundation, I and the other board members are so grateful for the support and generosity we’ve received from this community,” Shannon Keller said. Keller also served as co-chair of the concert committee.
“’Jive Time in the Cascades’ is unique in that there are very few big band and swing music events in the Upper Valley — not to mention that the Wenatchee Big Band is just outstanding!” she said.
She also gives kudos to the volunteers who pulled the event together.
“The Leavenworth Festhalle was beautiful due to the hard work and decorating efforts of the volunteers and board members,” Keller said. “Everyone put in a tremendous amount of effort into every aspect of the event!”
Discussions regarding next year’s event will soon take place.
“Will we change it up a little? We’ll have to keep you in suspense!” she said.
This year’s concert sponsors included Kahler Mountain Club, Leavenworth/Pine Village KOA, Cashmere Valley Bank, Ogden Murphy Wallace, Wenatchee Valley Medical Group and the Taffy Shop. Another 40-plus local businesses from Wenatchee, Cashmere, Peshastin, Leavenworth, Lake Wenatchee and Plain, donated gift cards that were available for purchase at a discount at the event’s Buy-It-Now Board fundraising activity.
The target of this year’s concert proceeds is a vehicle for Cascade Medical’s new Mobile Integrated Health Program. The program, expected to be operational this fall, will allow Cascade Medical paramedics and EMTs to make in-home visits to recently released hospital patients, the elderly and those with chronic conditions, improving health outcomes and reducing hospital readmissions. The $67,000 fundraising goal for the vehicle is expected to be reached in the next few weeks, topped off with recent Benevolent Nights hosted by local restaurants and private donations.
It will be the second major campaign the Foundation has completed this year, along with a couple smaller projects.
In June, the Foundation’s Marson and Marson Cascade Golf Classic raised more than $49,000, enough to complete the Foundation’s campaign to purchase a new hematology (blood) analyzer for Cascade Medical’s lab and get a start on the Mobile Integrated Health vehicle. The Foundation, with help from Cascade Medical, private donors and a grant from the city of Leavenworth, also purchased eight new community automated external defibrillators (AEDs) this summer for the downtown area.
The Foundation, established in 1992, supports Cascade Medical’s ability to deliver quality healthcare to the community. Many of its projects focus on raising funds for specific equipment, to the tune of more than $1.9 million over the past 32 years. The Foundation recently expanded its support to include an education fund for Cascade Medical employees interested in seeking education and training that would further their career goals and boost in-demand skills at the hospital.
Discussion is currently underway to identify the Foundation’s next major fundraising campaign to benefit Cascade Medical. The new goal is expected to be announced in November.