Funds will help build the Mark Judy Memorial Caregiver Education Fund for Cascade Medical employees
Cascade Medical Foundation has received a $3,000 grant from The Community Foundation of NCW’s Upper Valley Legacy Fund. The money will help build the core Mark Judy Memorial Caregiver Education Fund, ensuring annual scholarships for Cascade Medical employees, yielding years of benefits in the delivery of quality healthcare to the community.

The education fund provides current Cascade Medical employees with opportunities to develop skills and advance their careers while working on the job and helps Cascade Medical retain valued employees, especially in high-demand fields.
“We’re using the Upper Valley Legacy Funds to continue Mark Judy’s legacy,” CMF Board Chair Shannon Keller said.
The education fund was created in memory of Mark Judy, a former CM administrator and CMF Board Member whose leadership philosophy focused on encouraging individuals to reach their potential. When he died suddenly in 2023, his community, family and friends looked for ways to honor his legacy and commitment to helping others.
“Mark Judy lived by the concept of ‘Ubuntu,’ a South African term from the Nguni languages of Zulu and Xhosa,” Keller said. “Ubuntu means, ‘we are human only through the humanity of others.’ If we are to accomplish anything in this world, it will be due to the work and achievement of others. The Upper Valley Fund Legacy Grant will further facilitate the Mark Judy Memorial Caregiver Education Fund by doing just that: enabling caregivers to share their humanity and professional skills to help others. What a wonderful concept!”
The Community Foundation of NCW’s new Legacy Funds Grant program replaces the Regional Impact Grant program. Legacy Fund Grants provide unrestricted funding to nonprofits by geographic region in Cashmere, Chelan Valley, Methow Valley, Okanogan Valley, Upper Valley, and Wenatchee Valley. These funds have been established by donations from local individuals and families who wanted to create a meaningful legacy to their community.
Each Legacy Fund Grant has its own criteria, established by the Local Advisory Board (LAB), comprised of volunteers representing a cross section of each community, including a mix of long-time and newer residents, working and retired individuals, and community members. Each LAB reviews applications and awards grants within their respective communities. The grant to Cascade Medical Foundation is one of several awarded to Upper Valley nonprofits this fall.
For information about the Mark Judy education fund, go to cascademedicalfoundation.org. Cascade Medical employees will be invited to apply for the next round of scholarships starting in January.
About Cascade Medical Foundation
Cascade Medical Foundation's mission is to enhance and financially support Cascade Medical's ability to deliver quality healthcare to residents and visitors in the 1,200-square-mile rural hospital district. Since it was founded in 1992, CMF has helped fund projects totaling more than $2 million, including new mammography and lab equipment, a mobile health clinic, equipment and programmatic support for a cardiac rehabilitation center and a vehicle for Cascade Medical’s new Mobile Integrated Health program.
In addition to growing the Mark Judy Memorial Caregiver Education Fund, the Foundation’s 2025 fundraising efforts will help purchase a bladder scanner, a point-of-contact ultrasound machine and other equipment for Cascade Medical’s Family Practice Clinic.
About Community Foundation of North Central Washington
The Community Foundation of North Central Washington’s mission is to grow, protect, and connect charitable gifts in support of strong communities throughout Chelan, Douglas, and Okanogan counties. Established in 1986, the Community Foundation manages $163 million in assets through 690+ individual funds and has awarded over $63 million in grants and scholarships.