Sponsorship Information
Would you like to sponsor our Garden Tour? There are four levels of sponsorship.
Event Sponsor: $600. Your company will be recognized as a major sponsor for the Garden Tour. Your company name or corporate logo will be in ALL publicity and advertising, in addition to sponsor recognition on the front of the brochures and a full page ad inside the brochures. Promotional business materials may be placed near ALL gardens on the tour, the day of the event. Your company will be thanked in print media and on the Cascade Medical Foundation website.
Home Sponsor: $300. Your company name or corporate logo will be displayed at ONE of the gardens on the tour and have a ½ page ad (4.25" x 5.5") in the brochures. Promotional business materials may be placed in the home you are sponsoring on the day of the event. Your company will be thanked in print media and on the Cascade Medical Foundation website.
1/2 Page Brochure Sponsor: $150. Your company name or corporate logo will be displayed in the brochures in a ½ page size (4.25” x 5.5”). Your company will be thanked in print media and on the Cascade Medical Foundation website.
1/4 Page Brochure Sponsor: $100. Your company name or corporate logo will be displayed in the brochures in a ¼ page size (2.25” x 5.5”). Your company will be thanked in print media and on the Cascade Medical Foundation website.