Latest News


Funds will help build the Mark Judy Memorial Caregiver Education Fund for Cascade Medical employees 

Cascade Medical Foundation has received a $3,000 grant from The Community Foundation of NCW’s Upper Valley Legacy Fund.


It's full speed ahead for Cascade Medical Foundation's fundraising campaign to purchase a vehicle for Cascade Medical's new Mobile Integrated Health Program. 


All Orchard of Giving names
(and their locations) are listed 
in a notebook in the clinic lobby. 
The next time you’re in the clinic 
waiting room, see how many names 
you recognize!


Interested in donating to 
the Think Pink fund? 


Cascade Medical Foundation raised more than $11,000 at this year’s Jive Time in the Cascades concert on Sept. 21.


Two Royal Ladies of the Autumn Leaf Festival have added their names to the Royal Lady Walkway, part of Casca

Wade Nash

Cascade Medical Fou

See more about the Cardiac Rehab Center

CMF’s 2023 fundraising campaign crosses the finish line

Cascade Medical’s new cardiac rehabilitation center has hit the ground running — well, make that


Mark Judy's Legacy continues

A new effort by Cascade Medical Foundation to honor former administrator Mark Judy and help grow the skills of highly coveted health care professionals is already paying dividends.